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This blog contains a framework comparing humans and humanoid robots in terms of hardware:

The genome of a human being has been analyzed, sequenced and encoded into a 750 Mb file. This means that we have all 22 autosomes and 1 allosome (total 23 chromosomes) available as a source code. This reference genome is called GRCh38.

What does the human genome mean ? Why is it important ?

I will not explain what the genome is about right now...I gotta make notes atm:

STM (RAM): RNA; contains instructions to "3D print" proteins.
Programs: Proteins; contain code as strings of amino acids. Proteins also define cells.
Functions: Amino Acids are functions within the program for specific execution.

This is how it works, the DNA exists, it makes the RNA which is converted into amino acids, a collection of amino acids form protein which allow functionality in the body...

let me rephrase that in computer terms:

So....the non-volatile memory (HDD) contains the OS which populates the volatile memory (RAM) with instructions. A collection of instructions form processes (programs), which are used to allow functionality in the computer....what!? Bootstrapping problem: How is the first program made ? or..how do you make sense of the instructions in the RAM, as to what program forms...

Enter the Ribosome.

The ribosome makes proteins from the RNA. It is made out of RNA, meaning it is a protein itself. It is code that runs on itself.

This means...a part of the RAM, the OS that is loaded, will allow formation of processes and threads. In the ribosomes, this is called protein translation.

This concludes that the human body is similar to a computer programming environment. More details on robotic hardware will be added upon inspiration >;y

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